Project Description

Case Study:
Bricknell Primary School

Bricknell Primary School collaborated with Digital Schools to revamp their website, incorporating curriculum intent pages, compliant documents, SEND provision information, lunch menus, a full school photo shoot, CPD training, and vibrant graphics reflecting their affiliation with the Constellation Trust.

The redesigned website effectively communicated the school’s educational vision and objectives through curriculum intent pages, engaging parents and stakeholders.

Transparency and accountability were prioritized with the integration of a comprehensive range of required documents, ensuring compliance with regulations.

Inclusivity was demonstrated through detailed information about the school’s SEND provision, showcasing their commitment to supporting all students and families.

A captivating full school photo shoot captured the dynamic learning environment, dedicated staff, and enthusiastic students, establishing a genuine connection with website visitors.

Additionally, Bricknell Primary School implemented the Graduate Awards Programme, allowing students to pursue additional study topics and take the Graduate Test at their own pace.

The vibrant graphics theme, inspired by stars, the sun, and planetary imagery, symbolized the school’s partnership with the Constellation Trust, creating a cohesive visual identity that represented their collaborative approach.