Web design services

Websites for schools and trusts


Engaging websites for schools & trusts


At Digital Schools, we specialise in creating tailored school websites that reflect your schools unique vision & values.
We prioritise three essential elements:
content, creativity, and compliance.

Content: We understand the significance of engaging and relevant content in effectively communicating your school or trust’s message. Our team works closely with you to develop tailored content that showcases your institution’s unique vision, values, and achievements. We ensure that the content is informative, compelling, and aligned with your target audience’s needs.

Creativity: We believe in the power of creativity to captivate and inspire. Our creative team utilises their expertise to design visually appealing websites, captivating photography, and compelling media content. We strive to create a digital presence that not only stands out but also reflects the essence and spirit of your school or trust.

Compliance: Adhering to statutory requirements and industry standards is crucial, particularly in the education sector. Our websites are built with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring compliance with regulations set by organisations such as Ofsted. We prioritise data security, accessibility, and user privacy to provide a safe and trustworthy online experience for your audience.


The design & development stage


We start by creating a schematic site plan that includes all the necessary web pages, including any customised or bespoke pages requested by the client. We collaborate closely with the staff and senior leadership team to advise on and gather compliant documents and information.

After conducting a comprehensive photo shoot, we provide proof images to the school via a secure server, allowing them to review and ensure proper parental permissions for the images.

Once we have received all the relevant and compliant content, we proceed with the site build, carefully incorporating the provided materials to create a cohesive and effective website.

Our approach ensures a collaborative and streamlined process, where the school’s input and compliance requirements are respected and integrated into the final website design.


Growing your website


Once your website is created, our services extend beyond its development. We understand the importance of empowering your staff to independently maintain and update the school website. That’s why we offer comprehensive Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training sessions specifically designed for delegated staff.

At Digital Schools, we offer comprehensive services to support your school, including regular photography, content and design refresh services. Our content and design refresh services help keep your website up to date and visually appealing, ensuring that it reflects your school’s evolving needs and goals.

These services can be delivered on an as-needed basis or through a service level agreement (SLA), allowing you to tailor the support to your specific requirements and budget. With our flexible approach, you can ensure that your website remains compliant, engaging, and aligned with your school’s vision and values.

We also handle the creation and maintenance of your Google Business listing, ensuring your online presence is optimised for maximum visibility. Additionally, we set up and manage your Google Analytics account, providing valuable insights into website traffic and user behavior. Our comprehensive approach also includes ensuring your website is listed on both Google and Bing search engines, maximizing your online reach and potential audience. With our expertise, you can trust that your digital presence will be effectively established and maintained across these key platforms.

Experience our exceptional ongoing support at Digital Schools. Our team is dedicated to providing lightning-fast assistance with a friendly approach. Whether you prefer to call, email, or use Microsoft Teams, we offer multiple channels for convenient communication. Count on us to address your questions, provide technical assistance, and offer guidance promptly and efficiently. With our responsive and reliable support, you can have peace of mind knowing that help is always just a call, email, or Teams message away.


– EXPLORE our services FURTHER:

We’d love to hear about what makes your school unique. Schedule a short, no-obligation conversation with us to answer any questions and discuss possible next steps. Simply give us a call or send a quick message, and we’ll handle the rest.