Project Description

Case Study:
The Sullivan Centre
Website Design

The Sullivan Centre partnered with Digital Schools to build their website, catering to the unique needs of children and young people who are unable to attend their regular school due to medical or mental health reasons. The website showcased curriculum intent pages, a comprehensive range of required compliant documents, information about the school’s SEND provision, a full school photo shoot, CPD training for staff, and vibrant graphics promoting a culture of high expectations in a purposeful, happy, safe, and secure learning environment.

The curriculum intent pages effectively communicated The Sullivan Centre’s educational vision and objectives, providing valuable insights for parents and stakeholders.

Transparency and compliance were prioritised through the integration of a comprehensive range of required compliant documents, fostering accountability and ensuring adherence to regulations.

The website offered detailed information about the school’s SEND provision, highlighting their commitment to providing specialised support and a nurturing environment for students with additional needs.

A captivating full school photo shoot captured the essence of The Sullivan Centre, showcasing a purposeful learning environment that promotes happiness, safety, and security.

Through the website transformation, The Sullivan Centre effectively communicated their curriculum intents, compliance with regulations, support for students with additional needs, and fostered a sense of high expectations and well-being within their unique educational setting.